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2015-10-07    点击:[]


职    称:副教授

系    所:澳门十大正规网站排行榜







2014. 03——2015.02复旦大学数学科学学院访问学者




1.Hongjun Cheng, Riemann problems for the 2-D pressureless gas dynamics with external forces, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, 2023.

2.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, The Riemann problem for the inhomogeneous pressureless Euler equations, Applied Mathematics Letters 135 (2023)  108442.

3.Hongjun Cheng, Delta waves of the isentropic relativistic Euler system coupled with an advection equation for Chaplygin gas, Open Mathematics 2 (2022)  1610-1628.

4.Hongjun Cheng, Two-dimensional Aw–Rascle model with Chaplygin pressures: Riemann solutions consisting of contact discontinuities, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 52 (2022) 1267-1288.

5.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Riemann problems for a hyperbolic system of nonlinear conservation laws from the Liou–Steffen pressure system, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 19 (2022)  467-522.

6. Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, On a two-dimensional Riemann problem for hyperbolic system of nonlinear conservation laws, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 175 (2021)  1-39.

7.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Riemann problem for the 2D scalar conservation law involving linear fluxes with discontinuous coefficients, Journal of Mathematical Physics 61 (2020) 111504.

8.Hongjun Cheng, Riemann problem for the isentropic Chaplygin gas Cargo-LeRoux model, Journal of Mathematical Physics 60(2019) 081507.

9.Hongjun Cheng, Riemann problem for the pressureless CargoLeRoux model by flux perturbation, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 69 (2018) 1-23.

10.Hanchun Yang, Hongjun Cheng, Riemann problem for a geometrical optics system, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 30 (2014) 1846-1860.

11.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Approaching Chaplygin pressure limit of solutions to the AwRascle model, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 416 (2014) 839-854.

12.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Riemann problem for the isentropic relativistic Chaplygin Euler equations, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 63 (2012) 429-440.

13.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Riemann problem for the relativistic Chaplygin Euler equations, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 381 (2011) 17-26.

14. Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Delta shock waves in chromatography equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 380 (2011) 475-485.

15.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Yanyan Zhang Riemann problem for the Chaplygin Euler equations of compressible fluid flow, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 11 (2010) 985-992.

16.Hongjun Cheng, Hanchun Yang, Delta shock waves as limits of vanishing viscosity for 2-D steady pressureless isentropic flow, Acta applicandae mathematicae 113 (2010) 323-348.


1. 两类流体模型的相关问题研究,国家自然科学基金

2. 关于狄拉克激波的一些研究,国家自然科学基金

3. 双曲守恒律系统Delta-激波相关问题研究,云南省基础研究计划

4. 云南省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才


